Video: Digital Foundry’s Technical Analysis Of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered

“What’s here is generally very well done”

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered arrives on the Switch this week and the tech experts at Digital Foundry have already got a video up about the performance and frame rate across each system.

In case you missed it, the Switch version of this remaster runs at a native 1080p and 60 frames per second docked, and 720p at 60fps in portable mode. John Linneman of Digital Foundry notes how he did not encounter a single frame rate hiccup – so it really is a silky smooth and “near perfect” experience in terms of performance.

The other versions of the game (on Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5) deliver 4K output at 60fps. However, there is one catch, while the remaster version runs at 60fps on each platform, the classic graphics mode is capped at 30fps. The frame pacing also creates some minor issues here, and while it’s still playable it’s not optimal.

You can learn more about the Switch version of Lara Croft’s trilogy remaster in our review here on Nintendo Life:

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