Almost Everything You Need To Know About A Career In Blockchain Technology 


Blockchain is the backbone of cryptocurrency, so it’s a revolutionary technology. Furthermore, it offers many evolving career options for tech enthusiasts and has generated incredible hype in the last few years. It gained attention after Satoshi Nakamoto (an individual or group of developers) gave birth to Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency. There were several attempts to take advantage of decentralised finance. Still, only theirs succeeded, giving wings to the project about to become the second-largest digital coin by market cap, Ethereum.

The easiest way to take advantage of it is to register on a widely used platform like Binance, check Ethereum’s price, and invest in some when you find it appealing. It’s a coin you can keep for a long time and hope for a profit. Still, it’s best to make unbiased decisions, use common sense, and inform yourself well before spending your money because no one can guarantee profits on any investment, especially on volatile ones.

Besides being an investment tool, blockchain has many other applications and uses in today’s digital era. Just like you may not have to know what propels a car, you don’t need to understand how blockchain works to use it. However, learning about it and getting a grasp on its fundamentals isn’t just a great idea, but it can also increase your chances of starting and advancing your career in blockchain technology.

So, are you looking for a career in blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology, in layman’s terms


Blockchain was combined with other revolutionary technologies to create cryptocurrencies. Shortly put, it’s an encoded and distributed database recording data similar to a computerised record of any exchange. It is available over many PCs across many computer systems, removing the need to be tied down to a single place.

Blockchain technology has been impacting the financial and technical sectors by utilising digital currencies, smart contracts, and other innovative applications.

Blockchain’s purposes

Blockchain supports protected items like money, contracts, property, and so on without the implication of a third-party intermediary like the government or bank. The data recorded inside it is chronologically stored and impossible to change, owing to its stable features.

Because user data is encrypted, transactions are carried out safely, and users can directly access and conduct transfers, this technology has become a powerful instrument in the economic sector.

Another key advantage of blockchain technology is that it rarely suffers from data breaches.

How to learn blockchain

You can use software development programs and online courses to learn blockchain technology as a newbie. A bachelor’s or master’s degree program in data science, computer science, or any other relevant field would prove extremely useful, just as basic knowledge about computers and coding would help.

Companies looking to hire for blockchain prefer candidates who know how to improvise the current technology and create something new, which is only possible if you have deep technical knowledge. Therefore, the first step towards being a blockchain developer is to be a developer. Afterward, you can learn blockchain development skills.

After you learn the basics of cryptocurrency and blockchain, you can begin the exciting journey by joining blockchain communities and visiting crypto vlogs on YouTube or forums on Reddit.

You can also join courses offered by various online forms and do programming for Blockchain applications.

With the basic knowledge of programming language, you should familiarise yourself with some advanced programming languages, like the following:

  • C#
  • C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python.

Getting familiar with DApps


You must develop decentralised applications (DApps) when you become a blockchain developer. There are several platforms you can use, like Ethereum. Knowing how to work with Solidity can be crucial when writing smart contracts. It is an object-oriented programming language similar to JavaScript and ECMAScript.

Another helpful platform supporting industrial-scale applications is EOS. It has pretty high transaction speeds and scalability and is widely spread across the blockchain ecosystem.

Last but not least, NEO is a newbie-friendly blockchain platform which isn’t limited to one programming language. If you know the primary programming language, you should quickly get hands-on experience in this program. In developing DApps on NEO, you can use C++ and Java, for example. This platform has a lot of potential in the digital business.

Understanding blockchain security

All blockchain developers must have security skills, including the following:

  • Cryptographic hashing
  • Digital signature
  • Merkle proofs
  • Private key cryptography
  • Public key cryptography.

Therefore, you have to know the basic details about these terms. Blockchain’s security framework is needed for every application and platform development.

Determining who hires


First of all, you should understand who the potential employers are. Industries, for example, whether we talk about big companies like banks, retailers, insurance, accountancy firms, oil & gas, or law offices looking to keep up with technologies, are among the most common recruiters.

Other two industries that seek blockchain skills can be:

  • Governments. Many governments have been hiring crypto specialists for advice. Because of the numerous benefits of blockchain, some governments are warming up to it, which is why blockchain experts are in great demand.
  • Tech firms. These are companies that need all the expertise they can gather in their attempt to shift to a decentralised system. If blockchain takes over the world, tech businesses might have the most to lose.

Choosing between career opportunities

Blockchain development might be the most marketable professional option today, as people are eager to reap blockchain’s benefits. Before becoming blockchain developers, they usually have experience working with Python, C++, and JavaScript. Because this is a high-ranking role, you must be able to pay close attention to details.

Here are other career options to choose from:

  • Blockchain quality engineer. A quality engineer is needed in every development environment. In the blockchain world, you’d play a similar role, ensuring that all activities are of the highest quality. Basically, you do blockchain framework testing and automation. Here, attention to detail is also crucial.
  • Blockchain UX designer. With the introduction of blockchain into so many businesses, its design and user interface are becoming critical. As a blockchain designer, you’d have to shape user interfaces that are alluring to the regular user. You must be hardworking and have an artistic touch.
  • Blockchain solution architect. As a blockchain solution architect, you’re responsible for creating, delegating, and connecting blockchain solution components with team professionals like UX designers, network administrators, and developers.

Now that you know the basics of blockchain jobs, does this technology suit you?

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