Dynamic Business calls for shared responsibility in online technology use on Safer Internet Day

As the world becomes increasingly connected through technology and the internet, the need for online safety has never been more important.

This is why Safer Internet Day, celebrated annually on February 7th, has become a global movement dedicated to promoting responsible and secure use of technology and the internet.

As the threat of cyber attacks continues to rise, it is crucial for businesses to maintain their investment in cybersecurity measures and prioritize the protection of their sensitive information. In a time of economic uncertainty, cutting back on cybersecurity may seem like a logical solution for cost-saving, but it could end up causing long-term harm to the organization’s reputation and financial stability.

About Safer Internet Day

Originating from the EU SafeBorders project in 2004, the Insafe network adopted the initiative and has since become a widely celebrated occasion in nearly 180 countries and territories. 

The primary aim of Safer Internet Day is to raise awareness about the potential dangers and risks associated with internet use and encourage individuals and organisations to take proactive measures to ensure their online safety and security. 

Dynamic Business calls for shared responsibility in online technology use on Safer Internet Day

Anthony DiBello, Vice President of Strategic Development at OpenText, warns that in light of the impending global recession and tight budget constraints, organizations may be inclined to cut back on their cybersecurity spending. However, he emphasizes that this could have serious implications for the overall security and stability of their digital infrastructure.

“With a global recession looming and budgetary constraints, many organisations will be tempted to reduce their cybersecurity spending and consolidate the number of cybersecurity vendors they interact with. But now is not the time to put your feet on the breaks when it comes to cybersecurity. Cybercriminals will be intensifying their hunt for weak spots in organisations, and those hit will fall hard. You’ve only got to look at the news to see that cybercriminals are becoming increasingly tactical and sophisticated with their methods. 

“As a consumer, it’s harder than ever to safeguard yourself, and it’s not always easy to recognise potential threats, meaning the onus is large with regulators and businesses to ensure they’re doing everything they can to address these issues.

“Businesses are adapting accordingly, but even the smallest crack in a cybersecurity strategy can be detrimental to both the organisation and the individuals it affects. Cyber resilience needs to be baked into the entire organisation and should be a consideration in any and all decision-making. Securing the supply chain (physical and digital), as well as critical infrastructure, will be a particular challenge for security leaders this year. 

“Investing in the right tools and services is key – but it isn’t enough in isolation. Nowadays cybersecurity is not just the responsibility of the CSO or security teams. Everyone is responsible for making the internet a safer place. All staff – from front line to the C-suite – need to be educated on the latest cyber risks as they evolve so they can act as a first line of defence. Safer Internet Day serves as another reminder that to be safe; you need to be secure.”

Here’s more.

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