Press Release

Aug 26, 2022 17:00 EDT

MILWAUKEE, August 26, 2022 (

APN Health, LLC announces the extension of the exclusive strategic partnership with Hangzhou Dinova EP in the electrophysiology field.

APN will be extending the 3D mapping system by adding the impedance module with high-definition mapping features, including 64-channel capacity. It will also be adding the capability to acquire intracardiac signals natively in the Navik 3D mapping system. This allows for the integration with Dinova’s PFA catheter to address the challenges of rapid mapping and navigation in the field of treatment for Afib.

“We are excited to start this unique relationship with one of the largest MedTech companies,” said Dr. Jasbir Sra, M.D., with over 30 years of experience in the field of Electrophysiology and the founder of APN.

“APN Health will be extending the integration of the Dinova’s PFA catheter with the 16 and 64-channel variants of the Navik 3D V4 Impedance system currently in pre-clinical testing. APN Health will be uniquely customizing the user interface for Atrial Fibrillation procedures that will be using the Dinova’s PFA Catheter with an exclusive integration with their ablation generator,” said David Geddam, who is currently the CTO at APN Health areas. APN Health provides standard and customized software integration packages depending on our customers’ needs.

Source: APN Health LLC


Business News

Cardiac Mapping, Integration, Pulse Field Ablation

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Developed Proprietary &Patented Software Algorithms

For 3D Mapping To Improve Outcomes For Cardiac Arrhythmia Patients Around The Globe. We also provide customized services for vendors based on the workflow needs and environments.

APN Health LLC

APN Health LLC

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