Longevity and Rejuvenation Technology Overview

The Foresight Institute is tracking longevity and rejuvenation science and technology.

There are already over 130 funded companies working on aging damage repair and aging reversal. A few of the companies are publicly traded with valutions over $500 million. The antiaging companies oist is maintained at this link by Karl Pfleger.

Foresight has interviewed many people working on longevity and rejuvenation and compiled a three-page whitepaper that describes the longevity technology tree that maps out the work in the field.

Foresight uses the technology tree to try to answer a set of questions:

For newcomers

• What is happening in the field of longevity?

• I’m interested, what can I do to help?

For capital

• What level of funding exists for each strategy?

• What future possible products or services are related to the portion I am investing in?

For academics

• Who else is working on something related to my idea? What about upstream/downstream ideas?

• What applications are being pursued for my work? How much funding is there?

In order to answer these questions, there is the need for a quick and detailed view of the field of longevity. The concept is to build an interactive map of longevity science that contains information about efforts and open challenges in each domain.

This map will be digital and dynamic. Each node will be clickable. For instance, clicking on the Microbiome node should bring up a zoom-in page. This page contains standard information on groups, labs, companies, working on the node and zooms in on the core mechanism, including available tools, emerging interventions, and relations to other areas.

SOURCES – foresight Institute

Written by Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com

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