NCC, Fintech NGR Renew Commitment To Deepen Nigeria’s Fintech Sector

NCC 12


Following recent engagements with the Securities and Ex­change Commission (SEC) and the Central Bank of Ni­geria (CBN), the Governing Council of FintechNGR, led by the President, Ade Bajomo, engaged with Dr Aminu Maida, Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communications Com­mission (NCC), and his management team.

The meeting aimed to deepen the role of the telecommunications sec­tor as a crucial enabler of fintech in Nigeria.

The engagement addressed the critical issue of connectivity and investment in public infrastructure, emphasising the need for improved connectivity to support essential ser­vices such as schools, airports, fire services, police stations, and parks, thereby enhancing timely emergen­cy response.

Ade Bajomo highlighted the in­clusive nature of FintechNGR as a strength that regulators should leverage to develop robust policies and regulatory frameworks.

He underscored the importance of harnessing Nigeria’s natural resources, particularly lithium, to power base stations and reduce op­erating costs for telecommunications players.

“Leveraging alternative energy sources built on lithium batteries will greatly enhance connectivity, facilitate efficiency, and drive envi­ronmental sustainability,” Bajomo said

He proposed a public-private col­laboration to develop these mineral resources.

Dr Aminu Maida responded by emphasizing the need for Nigeria to build internal capacity for creating mobile devices.

He noted that approximately 57% of mobile phones in Nigeria still operate on 2G networks, which do not provide broadband speed for users, and that the Commission is working with the industry and other cross-sectors to advance user transi­tion to newer technologies such as 5G.

He stressed the importance of FintechNGR working with regu­lators to facilitate the maturity of fintechs through corporate gover­nance empowerment, training, and mentorship.

Dr. Maida also highlighted the need for a coordinated approach to combating fraud and cybersecurity threats in the financial sector.

“Deepening partnerships be­tween fintechs, financial services providers, and the telecoms sector through collaboration will signifi­cantly strengthen innovation in Ni­geria,” he said.

The NCC noted that it will work with FintechNGR to enrich the ac­tivities of the Regulators Forum—a forum of regulators and innovators in Nigeria that aims to balance reg­ulation and innovation—to facilitate a more impactful Nigeria Fintech Week and leverage the Association as a valuable resource in future regulatory and policy development initiatives.

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