OPINION: Embracing technology could heal health-care crisis

Published May 14, 2024  •  Last updated 2 days ago  •  1 minute read

Close up of nurse writing data into medical record of hospitalized patient.
Technology can revolutionize our health-care system’s workflow, writes Thomas Jankowski. Photo by Getty Images

By Thomas Jankowski

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Ontario’s health-care system is at a crossroads and it’s time to embrace innovative solutions to alleviate the crisis.

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The staggering 19 hours a week that family physicians spend on administrative tasks is a stark reminder of the need for change. This is equivalent to one million appointments wasted on paperwork, taking away precious time with patients, according to a recent survey by the Ontario College of Family Physicians.

Recent initiatives, such as eliminating doctor’s notes for short-term illnesses and piloting AI-assisted medical note-taking, are positive steps forward. However, we must push further. Technology can revolutionize our health-care system’s workflow, reduce administrative tasks and better load balance the system.

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Medimap is a shining example of this — streamlining appointments, minimizing phone calls and fully automating marketing efforts. But we shouldn’t stop there. We should also explore these:

Automated Billing Systems: Implementing electronic billing solutions that reduce errors, speed up reimbursement and free up staff to focus on patient care.

Universal Health Care Communication Platforms: Utilizing encrypted messaging and collaboration tools to enhance coordination between health-care providers, reduce phone tag and facilitate timely interventions.


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These technological advances can amplify our health-care system’s efficiency and effectiveness, freeing up physicians to focus on what matters most — patient care. However, technology is not a replacement for human expertise and compassion. We must address the root causes of our health-care crisis, including inadequate funding, staffing shortages and systemic inefficiencies.

Let’s embrace innovation while remaining committed to the values of patient-centred care that underpin our health-care system. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more sustainable future for all Ontarians.

Thomas Jankowski is CEO of Medimap, a trailblazer in AI-driven health-care solutions

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