| Postbank says it’s again paying R350 grants after fixing technical outage

Postbank says that it has fixed the technical problems that blocked the withdrawals of R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grants, meaning beneficiaries can again access their funds. 

“SRD grant payments through our retail merchant partners that include Pick n Pay, Boxer, Checkers and Usave have also been fully restored and beneficiaries are able to access their grant monies through these channels,” the bank said in a statement. SA Post Office branches no longer make SRD R350 grant payments.

“Customers can now access full Postbank services across many of our channels that include ATMs, retail merchants and in-branch transactions.”

On Friday, Fin24 reported that the state-owned bank had experienced a technical outage which stopped most of the 10.5 million applicants for the latest round of grants from accessing their grants.

“Postbank wishes to notify the public again that SRD 350 beneficiaries can only access their SRD 350 grant monies via their nearby Pick n Pay, Boxer, Checkers, Shoprite and Usave stores,” it added. 

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